
This blog is intended to be a collection of articles, reports, podcasts etc concerned with money laundering (including trade-based money laundering), UN and EU sanctions, export controls, trade controls (trafficking and brokering), proliferation, proliferation financing, terrorist financing and related matters.

It followed my involvement in these areas over several years, including as Sanctions Officer and Export Licensing Officer for the Isle of Man in its Customs and Excise Service and involvement in the Island’s National Risk Assessment (NRA) and Moneyval evaluation.

For more information about the Isle of Man see https://www.gov.im/

For more information on the NRA and Moneyval evaluation see https://www.gov.im/about-the-government/departments/cabinet-office/moneyval/

For more information on sanctions, export controls, proliferation financing etc see https://www.gov.im/categories/tax-vat-and-your-money/customs-and-excise/sanctions-and-export-control/

If you like the content, and/or find it useful, you can always “buy me a coffee” at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KoIvM842y